

9., 14., 16. and 17.10. 2019

Wednesday 9. 10. 2019 | 20 : 30 | BIO OKO, Františka Křížka 460/15, Prague (map)
Monday 14. 10. 2019 | 20 : 00 | ANDĚL CAFÉ, Bezručova 151/5, Plzeň (map)
Wednesday 16. 10. 2019 | 19 : 30 | GOLDEN APPLE CINEMA, nám. Míru 174, Zlín (map)
Wednesday 16. 10. 2019 | 20 : 00 | KINO ÚSMEV, Kasárenské nám. 1, Košice (map)
Thursday 17. 10. 2019 | 20 : 00 | VARŠAVA, Frýdlantská 285/16, Liberec (map)
Monday 21. 10. 2019 | 20 : 00 | KINO JUNIOR, Jiráskova 4898/9, Jablonec nad Nisou (map)

Hey, school is back in session! Anxious first-graders, teenage girls focused on their instagram hearts more than their grades, students and teachers - their holidays are over and they are returning to classrooms and auditoriums. Regardless of whether you’re starting your semester happy or worried, or if you’re dealing with " But I don't wanna go to school" by your child or a partner resuming their teaching post, come process the beginning of the new school year with a special BACK TO SCHOOL iShorts program.


Director: Greta Nash | Producer: Honeylyn Lisson |
Star: Bridie Noonan, Max Stephens, Charlie Hannaford |
Year: 2017 | Length: 14 min | Live Action |

Carla is a teenage girls who hangs out with the boys, going to their matches and playing vidogames. They are her best friends and they would never treat a girl in such a nasty manner as Carla sees others do on Facebook. Which is exactly why she really shouldn’t read their actual chat histories.


Director: Maria Eriksson | Producer: Farima Karimi |
Star: Douglas Steyner, Olle Frelin, Eva Melander |
Year: 2017 | Length: 17 min | Live Action |

Mike’s baby brother is going to school for the very first time. Unlike the other kids, he won’t be accompanied by a parent - there’s only his older brother to supply the ‘adult’ part of his family in the transition peried between careless childhood and being part of the school system.


Director: Jonatan Etzler | Producer: Johan Lundström |
Star: Shanti Roney, Miriam Ingrid, Jenna Chaaraoui |
Year: 2018 | Length: 29 min | Live Action |

Asking his students to make a video about their life for his class, Lucas had no idea what he’s unleashed. Trying to help, understendably a little cluelessly, he is pulled into merciless battle for followers and popularity of the young vloggers, for whom the line between reality and the prank genre is quite blurry. Cyber-bullying and online life from an original perspective in the Student Academy Award winner of 2018.


Director: Ashley Deckman | Producers: Artemis Shaw, Ashley Deckman |
Star: Matilda Fleming, Shane Fleming, Rebecca Karpovsky |
Year: 2018 | Length: 8 min | Live Action |

Children in costumes, proud parents, the holidays, all recipes for a nice evening, until Mandy and her daughter, Alley, get on stage to make their Career Day presentation...


Director: Truls Krane Meby | Producer: Jannik Dam Kehlet |
Star: Heine Dybvik, Anders T. Andersen, Nina Bendiksen |
Year: 2016 | Length: 16 min | Live Action |

Mads is 12 years old and as he’s growing up in the 1990’s, so he hangs out with his friends offline in the woods surrounding the Norweigian village. One day, his Dad gets a computer with internet access and Mads soon discovers that the World Wide Web is useful for other stuff than just doing one’s homework.

Total length of the screening 84 min. In original language with Czech and English subtitles.


cinema event


24 / 1 / 25 / 20 : 30


cinema no-event

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