

8., 13., 15. and 16.5. 2019

Wednesday 8. 5. 2019 | 20 : 30 | BIO OKO, Františka Křížka 460/15, Prague (map)
Monday 13. 5. 2019 | 20 : 00 | ANDĚL CAFÉ, Bezručova 151/5, Plzeň (map)
Wednesday 15. 5. 2019 | 19 : 30 | WAVE, Hlavná 121, Prešov (map)
Wednesday 15. 5. 2019 | 19 : 30 | GOLDEN APPLE CINEMA, nám. Míru 174, Zlín (map)
Wednesday 15. 5. 2019 | 20 : 00 | KINO JUNIOR, Jiráskova 4898/9, Jablonec nad Nisou (map)
Wednesday 15. 5. 2019 | 20 : 00 | KINO ÚSMEV, Kasárenské nám. 1, Košice (map)
Thursday 16. 5. 2019 | 19 : 00 | VARŠAVA, Frýdlantská 285/16, Liberec (map)
Thursday 16. 5. 2019 | 19 : 30 | VEŘEJNÝ SÁL HRANIČÁŘ, Prokopa Diviše 1812/7, Ústí nad Labem (map)
Thursday 16. 5. 2019 | 20 : 00 | VESELSKÝ FILMOVÝ KLUB, Třída Čs. armády 560, Veselí nad Lužnicí (map)

A traditional program introduces four representatives of Czech Republic and Slovakia’s top film schools. Live action short films competing against each other come from Prague’s FAMU, Pisek’s FAMO, Tomas Bata University Zlín (UTB) and Bratislava’s VŠMU. You are invited to come and pick a favorite but most of all check out the work of young, talented filmmakers who will shape the Czech and Slovak cinema of the future.

Home Sleep Home (FAMU)

Director: Adam Koloman Rybanský | Producer: FAMU |
Star: Stanislav Morávek, Bronislav Straka, Antonie Formanová, Che Johnson |
Year: 2018 | Length: 23 min | Live Action |

The main topic of the film is the relationship between people. Whenever we leave home, we come in contact with strangers and we have to deal with it somehow. Some people try to ignore the environment, another treat each other as friends. Two compatriots travelling abroad cross paths and it brings out current issues, which today, not only the whole of Central Europe, has to face. These include, for example, polarization of society, racism or patriotism, which is used and abused by right parties.


Director: Karel Šindelář | Producer: FAMO |
Star: Martina Šindelářová, Marie Turková, Tomáš Turek, Bohuslav Burda |
Year: 2018 | Length: 15 min | Live Action |

No help anywhere, no signal. Too far to reach anywhere on foot. Two scared women, one of which ran over the husband of the other, will sooner or later have to deal with a situation in which no tested procedures apply. No natural patterns of behaviour. A black comedy about the absurdity of human interaction. About life and death. About cars, misunderstanding and a little bit about LARP.

Red Riding Hood (UTB)

Director: Rudolf Šnajder | Producer: UTB |
Star: Štěpánka Romová, Jan Horák, Jakub Zelinka
Year: 2019 | Length: 15 min | Live Action |

Young and naive little Red Riding Hood is going to a Halloween party, which takes place in an abandoned cabin camp in deep woods. Older and experienced Wolf intends to seduce her but her friend in costume of a Hunter is planning to abort Wolf´s plans. Who shall win? Selfish but amusing Wolf or sensitive, however a little boring nice guy – Hunter? And does the little Red Riding Hood actually seek the salvation?


Director: Gabriela Gažová | Producer: VŠMU |
Star: Sisa Mokošová, Julianna Ťahúňová |
Year: 2018 | Length: 22 min | Live Action |

Film "M" is about two fourteen-year-old friends, Johnny and Romi, rock music, periods, differences between girls and boys and skipping school. During spooky days around Halloween Johnny and Romi confront themselves with their girl-feminine identity in various situations.

Total length of the screening 85 min. In Czech and Slovak language with English subtitles.


cinema event


03 / 3 / 25 / 20 : 30