

20., 25., 26., 27.9. and 4.10. 2017

Wednesday 20. 9. 2017 | 20 : 30 | BIO OKO, Františka Křížka 460/15, Prague (map)
Monday 25. 9. 2017 | 20 : 00 | VESELSKÝ FILMOVÝ KLUB, Třída Čs. armády 560, Veselí nad Lužnicí (map)
Tuesday 26. 9. 2017 | 19 : 00 | ANDĚL CAFÉ, Bezručova 151/5, Plzeň (map)
Wednesday 27. 9. 2017 | 19 : 30 | KINO SC BONAPARTE, Palackého náměstí 126, Slavkov u Brna (map)
Wednesday 27. 9. 2017 | 20 : 00 | KINO JUNIOR, Jiráskova 4898/9, Jablonec nad Nisou (map)
Wednesday 4. 10. 2017 | 20 : 15 | GOLDEN APPLE CINEMA, nám. Míru 174, Zlín (map)

Girls in Film is coming to the Czech Republic - Girls in Film - a London-based platform supporting presentation of female directors and filmmakers - is starting its new branch in Prague. Their first event will feature selected shorts from Czech, Slovak and international auteurs at iShorts screenings all over the Czech Republic.

Who's Who in Mycology (Czech Republic)

Director: Marie Dvořáková | Producer: Milan Kuchynka, Marta Dudáková |
Star: Joel Brady, Johanka Schmidtmajerová |
Year: 2016 | Length: 15 min | Live Action |

Tony, a young trombone player in a brass band, leads a humdrum life. He plays the same music over and over every night. But this night will turn out to be special. While playing his solo, a tipsy female dancer collapses on the dance floor. Tony ends up taking her home. After he drops her on the…

Close Ties (Poland)

Director: Zofia Kowalewska| Producer: Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association |
Year: 2016 | Length: 18 min | Documentary film |

Barbara and Zdzislaw are soon to celebrate their forty-fifth anniversary. It would have been quite the occasion if not for the fact that Zdzisław spent eight of those years living with another woman. Now he's back with his wife, although she claims that if it were not for her husband's infirm legs, he would still be chasing skirts around Cracow. In spite of everyday bickering, somewhat inexplicably, their relationship perserveres.

Wald der Echos (Austria)

Director: Maria Luz Olivares Capelle | Producer: Silvia Winzinger |
Star: Calista Berger, Christina Kasper, Plaim Katharina |
Year: 2016 | Length: 30 min | Live Action |

A teenager, Christina, loses her friends in the forest. Looking for them she finds the bodies of three drowned kids on the shore of a lagoon.
On summer holiday, deep in the woods, three kids, cousins, are playing around a lake when they find a drowned young woman drifting in the water.
Games, lies and rituals unfolding into a circular time in which death loses its ultimacy. What is real and what is a mirage?
Who is dreaming and who is being dreamed?

Magic Moments (Slovakia)

Director: Martina Buchelová | Producers: Erika Paulinská, Monika Lostaková |
Star: Mia Sofia Arpásová, Michaela Kostková |
Year: 2017 | Length: 20 min | Live Action |

Parents struggle to earn money, so sisters basically take care of each other alone. – Why do we walk on the grass?
– So that we step into shit and are lucky. Thanks to the bond they have, they might have already won over life’s shit.

The Hell (Netherlands)

Director: Emma Westenberg | Producers: Gijs Kerbosch, Roel Oude Nijhuis |
Star: Abbey Hoes, Michiel Romeyn, Raven Aartsen, San Proper, Laura Rijnties |
Year: 2016 | Length: 5 min | Live Action |

A short film about a girl getting a one way ticket to hell after an escalated fight with her boyfriend in a karaokebar.

Kuře (Czech Republic)

Director: Jay Walker | Producer: Linda Matásková |
Star: Štěpán Tuček, Jindřich Žampa, František Jícha |
Year: 2017 | Length: 9 min | Live Action |

Jirka is new to the group of orphan boys he is now forced to live among. On a camping trip, Jirka is forced to see firsthand how to power structure works between them. Though he tries to stand up for what he thinks is right, there are no heroes in war.

Wet (Spain)

Director: Nur Casadevall | Producers: Angie Quintana, Blanca Ballasté |
Star: Jennifer Bucovineanu |
Year: 2017 | Length: 3 min | Live Action |

Jennifer is in a waiting room of a piano audition, bored, when she observes a classic painting of a feminine body that is right in front of her. She is so fascinated by it that she gets absorbed by the image, which takes her to new sensorial worlds.

Rybáři (Czech Republic)

Director: Bára Anna Stejskalová | Producers: FAMU |
Year: 2016 | Length: 10 min | Animation |

A story about fisherman, who pulled a skeleton out of the frozen lake. He tries to escape from the skeleton, so he hides in the dark, where he looks for comfort in cheap entertaintment. Yet the reality scratches on the window and fisherman´s hiding place quickly becomes a place full of nightmares. Manipulation, humanity, puppetry - the main themes of this film.

Total length of the screening 110 min. In original language with Czech and English subtitles.


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